We are from God and we will return to him(Quran)
I received the sorrowful news of passing away of numinous and Mujahid scholar, deceased Ayatallah Haj Sheikh Muhammad MuhammadiGilani, and it caused me anguished. He was a servant figure and influential in revolution pure life and of trustworthy ones to Imam Khomeyni and Imam Khamenei and was the source of scientific and practical blessing.
His bright past in continuous fight and Jihad before and after Islamic revolution, pure efforts in judicial system and his works in guard councilanother vital responsibilities will not be forgotten from nation mind and history.
The undersigned, along with represent condolence to Baghiyyat Allah threshold (our souls scarify for him) and revolution great leader and his virtuous family and all his sincere people and students and the gracious people of Geelan, I ask God high degrees and vast blessing for him, and patience for his family.
Sayyed Mahmud HashemiShahrudi