- Purity 92
- Prayer 0
- 0 0
- Qibla 0
- Clothing of Worshiper 0
- Place of Performing Prayers 0
- Rulings of Adhan and Iqamah 0
- Intention 0
- Standing up 0
- Recitation 0
- Prostration (Sajdah) 0
- Tashahhud (Testification of Faith) 0
- Taslim 0
- . 0
- Qunut 0
- Invalidators of Prayer 0
- Ayaat Prayer 0
- Qaza Prayers 0
- 0 0
- Rulings of Congregation Prayer 0
- 0 0
- 0 0
- Qaza of Forgotten Acts 0
- Traveler's Prayer 0
- 0 0
- 0 0
- Addition & Reduction in Prayer 0
- Funeral Prayer 0
- To Bow (Rocoa) 0
- Friday Prayer 0
- . 0
- Fasting 0
- Zakat 0
- 0 0
- 0
- Khums 0
- Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice 0
- Buying & Selling 1
- Rent 0
- 0 0
- 0 0
- Rulings of Rent 0
- 0 0
- Conditions of Rent 0
- 0 0
- Miscellaneous 6
- Masturbation 0
- 0 0
- Muzariah & Musaqat 0
- Joint Venture 0
- 0 0
- 0 0
- 0 0
- 0 0
- 0 0
- Dance in Holy Places 0
- . 0
- Rulings of Lost Objects 0
- 0 0
- Interpretation Related Issues 0
- 0 0
- Working in Official Offices 0
- To Kill Insects 0
- 0 0
- To Learn Rules 0
- Others Rights 0
- Obsession 0
- Descent 0
- Praise Others 0
- 0 0
- Pray(Invocation) 0
- History 0
- 0 0
- 0 0
- Advices 1
- Lost Animals 0
- Internet and Computer 0
- 0 0
- Rulings of Mosques 0
- 0 0
- 0 0
- Repentance 0
- 0 0
- Satellite 0
- Cheating 0
- To Respect Islamic Republic Laws 0
- Pray 1
- Rulings of Unbelievers 0
- . 0
- Theft 0
- . 0
- . 0
- . 0
- . 0
- . 0
- 0 0
- Marriage 7
- Rulings of Marriage 0
- Rulings of Marital Relationship 0
- 0 0
- . 0
- . 0
- 0 0
- Breast Feeding 0
- Temporary Marriage 1
- 0 0
- Rulings of Children 1
- 0 0
- Defects that Cause Annulment of Marriage 0
- Women with whom Marriage is Forbidden 0
- Couple Rights 0
- Conditions of Marriage 1
- Anal Intercourse 0
- Intercourse during Menstrual Period 0
- Disobedient Wife 0
- 0 0
- Relations between Man & Woman 0
- . 0
- Divorce 3
- Vow (Nazr) 0
- Usurpation 0
- 0 0
- 0 0
- Hunting & Slaughtering 0
- Foods @ Drinks 0
- Heritage 0
- 0 0
- Beliefs 3
- 0 0
- 0 0
- . 0
- 0 0
- Eid of Norouz 0
- 0 0
- 0 0
- Intercession (Shafaat) 0
- . 0
- Beating Chest 0
- To Clap 0
- 0 0
- To Sacrifice 0
- . 0
- Hajj 0
- Tawaf (Circle Ambulation) 0
- Omrah Al-Mufradah 0
- . 0
- . 0
- . 0
- 0
- 0 0
- 0
- 0 0
- . 0
- . 0
- Mozarebah 0
- 0 0
- Vaqf 0
- Gift 0
- 0 0
- Jihad 0
- Offices 0
- Offices 0
- . 6
- 0 1
- Public funds 0
- Vilification 0
- Reconciliation 0
- 0 0
- Charge 0
- Judgment 0
- . 0
- Testifications 0
- (Rahn) Mortgage 0
- Confession 0
- Taqlid 0
- Taqlid from Dead Person 0
- Walayat-e Faqih 0
- . 0
- - 0
- - 0
- Puberty 0
- . 0
- . 0
- . 0
- - 0
- . 0
- . 3
- The Holy Quran 2
- . 0
- . 0
Questions Favorites
Salam. I would like to know about usury. for example if a Muslim has a loan company and he lends a value of 100 and charges 300 in installments would the usury be if he adds extra amounts for days late?
If extra amount is charged for days late, it is considered be Usury and haram.
Question :
Salam. I would like to know about usury. for example if a Muslim has a loan company and he lends a value of 100 and charges 300 in installments would the usury be if he adds extra amounts for days late?
Answer :
If extra amount is charged for days late, it is considered be Usury and haram.
Question : Respected Sir,\n\nSalamun Aleykun,\n\nThrough tracking code number f561d78414 on 15th January 2017, we had forwarded below questions and still seeking your direction. Please help with an early reply\n\nLand owner MCGM (a government body) gave KSIJ (a group of Shia Ithna Ashari Muslim) piece of land measuring around 1100 square meter as caretaker for limited period of eleven months only for the purpose of burial of dead Muslims. As per duly signed agreement between land owner (MCGM) and caretaker (KSIJ) there is complete BAN on construction of any structure and no other activity except burial of dead Muslim is allowed. Now caretaker has constructed a permanent structure on around 70% of allotted land without obtaining any approval from land owner in complete violation of duly signed agreement. Our questions are:\n1). Is this illegal construction which has been built in complete violation of agreement with owner (MCGM) justified from Shia Ithna Ashari “fiqhi” point of view\'%s\'\n2). Is this illegal structure “gasabi” from Shia Ithna Ashari jurisprudence point of view\'%s\' \n3). Without any approval from land owner, Is performance of daily five time namaz-e-jamat, other wajib namaz and mustahab namaz, regular recitation of dua-e-Kumail, dua-e-Tawassul, conduct of almost daily majlis-e-Imam Husain etc. valid (ja’ez) in the illegal structure\'%s\'
Answer :
Question : Land owner MCGM (a government body) gave KSIJ (a group of Shia Ithna Ashari Muslim) piece of land measuring around 1100 square meter as caretaker for limited period of eleven months only for the purpose of burial of dead Muslims. As per duly signed agreement between land owner (MCGM) and caretaker (KSIJ) there is complete BAN on construction of any structure and no other activity except burial of dead Muslim is allowed. Now caretaker has constructed a permanent structure on around 70% of allotted land without obtaining any approval from land owner in complete violation of duly signed agreement. Our questions are:\n1). Is this illegal construction which has been built in complete violation of agreement with owner (MCGM) justified from Shia Ithna Ashari “fiqhi” point of view\'%s\'\n2). Is this illegal structure “gasabi” from Shia Ithna Ashari jurisprudence point of view\'%s\' \n3). Without any approval from land owner, Is performance of daily five time namaz-e-jamat, other wajib namaz and mustahab namaz, regular recitation of dua-e-Kumail, dua-e-Tawassul, conduct of almost daily majlis-e-Imam Husain etc. valid (ja’ez) in the illegal structure\'%s\'
Answer :
Question : Assalamun Alaikum Wa Rehmatullah,\nI want to name my newborn girl child as "MAWARA". But I am doubtful about the name meaning and its effect. As it is highly recommended in Islam to name one\'s child with a beautiful and meaningful name, I request you to kindly let me know if:\n1. It is proper and apt to name a child as "MAWARA".\n2.Does it have positive meaning\'%s\' \n3. What is the epistemological and popular meaning of the word "MAWARA"\'%s\'
Answer :
Question : Salam alykum,\nIt has been years over years i am unable to conclude the exact path of being with Allah(az) constantly .\nFirstly,I use to repeat God\'s name continuously but it was difficult for me to pace up with surroundings. If I had to go at point A I reach to point B without considering what\'s going on around me as I was deep into remembrance.\nAfter going thru some books on Zikr (Remembrance) of God,I concluded that even working and coping up with surrounding materialistic world for Allah(az) is also a remembrance.\nSo I started coping up with surroundings and Alhamdulillah i saw fruits in spiritual as well as materialistic dimensions.\nBut the problem which now I am experiencing is -- -- Any person is not continuously at any task so in between what should I do and how\'%s\'.\nSuppose I got a little break from my work then in that break what should I do,if I repeat names of God again i go deep into such remembrance forgetting what\'s going around(and this makes loss to me) .In that breaks how to be with God\'%s\'\n\nPlease correct me and recommend me the proper path to move upon.\nMay Allah(az) makes us such a slave as what he wants us to be.
Answer :
Emulating a deceased Marja
Question : As Salam Aleikum \n\nDear Eminence Sayyed Mahmood Shahroodi,\n\nCould you please provide me with a Fatwa which shows me that you have allowed to emulate a deceased marja\'%s\'\n\nmany thanks
Answer :
Question : 1. Can the BRIDE ask the GROOM to grant her the right of giving TALAAQ (Divorce) as a one of the conditions in NIKAAH\'%s\'\n2. Is it permissible for the GROOM to grant the right of giving TALAAQ (Divorce) to his BRIDE at the time of NIKAAH\'%s\'\n3. If the the GROOM agrees to grant the right of giving TALAAQ (Divorce) to his BRIDE at the time of NIKAAH, will this NIKAAH be valid as per Islamic jurisprudence\'%s\'
Answer :
Regarding conversion
Question : سْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ\nI\'m a Sunni muslim who converted a couple of years ago.\nFew weeks ago, I had a dream about 12 Imams who I hadn\'t known about before, and afterwards I studied about Shia belief with limited resources I could get and realised that this was the true path.\nMy question is for a Sunni muslim to be a Shiite, is another Shahadda infront of other shia muslims necessary\'%s\'\nBecause I\'m afraid as there are no Shia population here, I have no access to other shiites.
Answer :
Question : I have a 27-year-old brother who is mentally ill. He has bipolar disorder and is clinically delusional. We were born in America and our parents immigrated to America from Iran. My brother goes to a psychiatrist but he still has serious problems. Last month he began to think that he is Imam al-Mahdi (AS). He says that he will go to Iran and meet with Ayatollah Khamenei, who will give him the power and resources to rule as the Imam. What can me and my family do to help him see the truth and improve his mental health\'%s\'\n\nThank You
Answer :
Divorce on the basis of Khullah
Question : Qibla Ayatullah sahib salam,\n\nI humbly seek your guidance on divorce on the basis of Khulla.\n\nI am Shia (Alhamdullah) and I was married to a Shia girl in Pakistan 8 years ago. \n\nDue to very compelling and unfavourable circumstances, I have not been able to return to Pakistan in these years but I have been regularly sending her maintenance expenses throughout. \n\nThe only reason I could not visit Pakistan in these years is potential life threats from terrorists and Pakistani authorities as I have worked a lot for the rights of Shias in the United Kingdom. \n\nDuring these years, I have maintained regular contact with my wife through telephone.\n\nNow, my wife has filed a lawsuit in family court in Pakistan, seeking divorce on the basis of Khullah but I do not want to divorce her as I will be able to sponsor her here in the next 6-8 months (Inshallah).\n\nAs you know that Pakistan is a Sunni state and Khulla does not apply to Shia religion. \n\nMy question is if she is granted divorce by the court on the basis of Khulla, is Shia scholar allowed to issue divorce certificate to her on the basis of court verdict\'%s\' If the Shia scholar is not allowed to issue a Divorce Certificate to my wife on the basis of the decision of the court, then, will she be considered a divorced person according to Shia Islam\'%s\'\n\nI hope you will guide me about this issue.\n\nYours sincerely,\n\nLiaquat Ali
Answer :
Question : سلام،\n\n \n\nپسر بزرگی دارم که در شرکتی کار میکرد، بعد از رفتن از اون شرکت هنوز با رئیس سابقش تماس داشت ، من با همسرم اختلافاتی داشتیم مدتها و پسرم به اطلاع اون رئیس سابقش رسونده بود به دلیل رابطه نزدیکی که داشتند . من یک روز مطّلع شدم که همسرم توی سایت فیس بوک تقاضای دوستی با اون شخص کرده بود و اون شخص هم پذیرفته بود ، من با ناراحتی قبل از اینکه از همسرم سوال کنم ، بهش اعتراض کردم که چرا چنین کاری کرده و همسرم گفت که این اشتباه شده و او اشتباهی این تقاضا رو برای اون شخص فرستاده و البته اون شخص هم قبول کرده.\n\n \n\nبهر حل این موضوع حل شد و همسرم تقاضاش رو پس گرفت و من قبول کردم حرف همسرم رو که اشتباهی روی اسم اون شخص کلیک کرده .\n\n \n\nفرزندان من چون در آمریکا بزرگ شدن و بیشتر تحت تاثیر مادرشون هستند ، حساسیت این موضوع رو درک نمیکنند و میگن هیچ اشکالی نداره و همسرم هم چون بچهها چنین حرفی میزنند میگه این کارش هیچ اشکالی نداشته و ظاهراً حساسیتی به این موضوع نداره با توجه به این من خودم خیلی به این مساله حساسم.\n\nحالا میخواستم نظر شما رو جویا بشم که آیا با توجه به این مساله که من با همسرم اختلافاتی داشتیم و این شخص از این موضوع مطلع بوده ، آیا از نظر اخلاقی و دینی و بنا بر ارزشهای اسلامی، آیا همسرم کار درستی کرده و دیگه اینکه آیا توی ذهن رئیس پسرم آیا ممکنه یک افکاری رو بوجود آورده باشه با توجه به اینکه ما در اون زمان اختلافاتی داشتیم.\n\n \n\nلطفا جزئیات کاملی بفرمایید که من برای همه خانواده این توضیحات شما را بخونم انشا الله\n\nبا تشکر
Answer :
Cast (Nasab)
Question : Dear sir my family tree relates to the Banu Hashim through Hazrat Asad which was son of Hazrat Hashim and also grandfather of Hazrat Ali a.s.My forefather use the title of Syed Hashmi or Shah.But now some people says Hashmi are not Syed.I also send this question a week before but did not get answer yet.Kindly guide me with your pure knowldge.Kindly send the answer in English or Farsi.I shall be very thankful for this kindness.
Answer :
enjoyment cure
Question : Slms,\nmy dear friend is very very pious, he had 2-beautiful wives, as he is \nfunna fil deen so hate with this worldly life, I give witness of his clean life, I am sure he is very strong never go for Zina-Liquor-Gambling, he does much riaa\'zet, his age is 49, nowadays he started to watch nude movies for getting result to perform intercourse with\nhis wives and take interest in worldly affairs..... to watch counist nation free nude movies on laptop is permissible\'%s\'\'%s\'\'%s\' being cure.\nWhen I asked he said, He has strongly believes he can not go in sinful life..Please give fatwa\'%s\'\'%s\'\nWas-salam
Answer :
Question : SALAM-ON-ALLAIKUM,\n\nMy Question is: \n"Sahib U zaman a.f have always 30 servants"How can we be a servant\'%s\' and if any of the died other pious shia appointed for the JOB Refrences:\nAl-kaafi J-2 P-306\nGhaybet Nomani Page 99\nGhaybet e Toosi Page 102\nBeharul Anwar V-52, P-158\nJannat ul maawa P-155\nKafami\'s Misbah Ziarat umm e Dawood,\nDua e Ehad words "Zaa\'been a un\'hu"\n\nSince 10-years we are trying hardest for appointment\nRijjal ul Ghaib but un-succesful, although avoided sins and even makrohaat as much as i can avoid, I visited 5-times Hajj, 5-times Mashad, 5-times Karbala and spent days and night in Saamra, \nPlease guide behaq e Mola Sahib U Zaman a.f;
Answer :
Question : Assalam Alaikum,\nYA Ali Maded,\n\ni am contacting you with the referance of my 1 friend, and i am interested in her for marriage, and she tell me following details, please advice me .\n\nGirl full name: Anam Riaz. Mother name: Nighat Zaidi\n\nHusband: Syed Murtaza Hussain\nHis(Boy) mother: Syeda Zia Fatima\n\nShe got married in June 2012. It was arrange marriage. \nthey had some relationship issues , and most of time they argue that boy do that marriage because of parents forcibly and he has no interest in her. \n\ntheir physical relations were also very minimal and almost never. He didn\'t want to make any plans nor make any family. He never supported her financially. \nI don\'t know whether he had a medical problem or he was interested somewhere. \n\nAug 2, 2014 they got separated because she argued on something and he send her at her parents home..\nHe send me Canadian divorce papers in Aug 2015 but no Islamic divorce yet.\nPlease tell me if any chance for reconciliation or he should give her Islamic divorce\'%s\'\n\n\nNeed your help in this matter as soon as possible.
Answer :
True Shia Belief
Question : Assalam O Alaikum Qibla, \nI hope that you are in best of your health and probably you will respond to this email yourself. \nI am working hard to search for the correct "Aqida" and is very confused. Hope that you can help. \nMy questions are as under:-\n1. When and How did the muslim\'s get to know about the Azan and Aqamat\'%s\'\n2. Was Shahadat-e-Salisa part of it initially\'%s\'\n3. If not then who added it in Azan and Aqamat\'%s\' and why\'%s\' is it correct to change it\'%s\'\n4. What does recitation of tashahud in namaz represents\'%s\'\n5. I have searched a lot every where and have come to know that no one and that is no one denies mentioning Shahadat e Salisa in namaz, the only difference is of recitation at different places some say it recite it in Sajdah, some say recite it in rukuh, some in tashahud! why is this difference\'%s\'\'%s\'\n6. What are your thoughts about Maula Ali\'s Khutbatul Bayan\'%s\' what does it represents\'%s\'\n7. What is shirk\'%s\' As per my knowledge and study the Hindu\'s and Christians all believe in one god! then are they doing shirk\'%s\' Hindu\'s have made symbols of God\'s and Christians says that Hazrat essa is Allah\'s son but they all believe in one god! please explain. \n8. Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w.w) got the prophet hood at the age of 23! How did he worshiped the god during that time\'%s\' Was he following any any previous nabi! or he had his own way and who taught it \'%s\' \n9. There are at many places in Quran-e-Karim mentioned as "Hum" e.g " Hum nay yeh dunya banae" why didn\'t Allah mentioned "May" instead\'%s\'\n10. What tashahud did Rasool (s.a.w.w) recited, what tashahud did imam’s recited\'%s\'\n11. Are there any boundaries of Aal-e-Muhammad\'%s\' \nPlease revert to me at [email protected]\nI am anxiously waiting for your response.\nRegards,\nKhushter
Answer :
I need your help
Question : Asalam Alaikum,\n\nI need your help ayotallah, i want to tell you what happened with me in past few years. In 2004 jinn shabbir of mir momin deira took control of me and misused me very badly by forcing me and my mind to break imam zainul abideen alam coins which were of miracles as it is known i broke 2 pieces and pissed on one piece in imam zainul abideen toilet and put it back in the alam after washing it with toilet water, as i was totally control of jinn shabbir, jinn shabbir used to put my mind in jail and show me visions and speak from inside my body i didnt know he was with me until i became jewish converted from shia religion to jewish religion as whenever i use to take name of allah his powers use to increase as he is shia jinn and after i became jewish i started hearing his voice clearly and he told me one day i use to complete all your wishes, he even controlled me before doing piss and took me for hajj and i used to write book with blood saying i love allah and write holy book quran with my blood and when i went to hajj i recited surah al baqarah written with my blood in front of kaba by crying as i didnt know what is happening to me and jinn shabbir made me dream and use to put me in dream by taking out all my blood by writing books of blood saying i love ahlulbait and i love allah and i love mohd and i love others. I was even controlled by jinn shabbir that one day he took me to toilet with polythin bag and forced me to shit and put some shit in polythin bag and take bud and put in imam zainul abideen alam dragon mouth but now i came to know everything about jinn shabbir and he has come in reality and lives besides my home to kill me by saying i have sinned as he fools everyone by saying i pissed and shit and win from me by shouting from inside my body and beating in my head. He drives auto rickshaw in hyderabad, india and this has happened in hyderabad, india he even took me to maula ali ka pahad of hyderabad, india with small blade like sword and scratch on maula ali finger prints so i dont die and other jinns fears. First when i came back from abudhabi,uae journey he took me to maula ali ka pahad and forced me raise my hands in sky and wish whenever i die all shia dies and i heard my wish has been accepted and he is controlling me since i am child as i cannot see sometimes since child from mind where i am because he is putting me to dream while i am alive like my mind in jail and not letting me feel where i am and what i am doing.\n\nI need your help please help me ayotallah and finish all shia jinns that are hurting me and making my life miserable and other life miserable by misusing knowledge of imam ali and ahlulbait. Now that i have become jewish i am understanding what happened with me and what i was forced to do by jinn shabbir control in my mind and body. I went to imam zainul abideen alam (sartaukh ka alawa) and the place where i did pissed and put shit put sweets and ate it and drank water and before doing anything i prayed to imam zainul abideen and allah that help me i am not in control by doing sajda as i remembered it.\n\nI am waiting for your help please send your jinns to kill jinn shabbir and all other shia jinns who are hurting me and trying to make me mad and make other people life miserable as he is jinn he knows how to win from humans like me by playing games.\n\nI came to know everything now after i am converted to jewish religion because i am praying now by reading torah printed. \n\nSyed Ahmed Ali Khan.
Answer :