message of condolence on occasion of demise of AyatallahShabZendedar

message of condolence on occasion of demise of AyatallahShabZendedar



In the name of God, the most compassionate the most merciful

We are from God and we will return to him

Excellency, Ayatallah Haj Sheikh Mahdi ShabZende Dar (continuous be your lofty position)

Greetings to you and good wishes. News of the demise of your dignified father, a divine scholar and  moral teacher, forgiven blessed Ayatallah Haj Sheikh HasanShabZende Dar (God put him in Paradise) really suffered us. He was of highly regarded Imam Khomeini students who devoted his life for the sake of exalting monotheism word and performing original Islam lessons. He inherited many scientific moral blessing in Qum seminary. He was students’ leading light. His moral virtues will not forgot by respectful people, and always true words about that honest servant of God will remain.

Yours truly express my condolences to Baqiatallah holy threshold (our souls scarify for him), high ranked leader, great religious authorities, seminaries and the Muezzi family especially your excellency. I ask God high degrees and thorough forgiveness for deceased and health, constant life, patience and reward for you and all the living and suffered people.

Seyyed Mahmud HashemiShahrudi