A congratulatory message of grand ayatollah hashimi sharudi to the honorable Hojjatul-Islam Dr.Hassan Ruhani the president-elect.

A congratulatory message of grand ayatollah hashimi sharudi to the honorable Hojjatul-Islam Dr.Hassan Ruhani the president-elect.
 Dear honorable Hojjat ul-Islam Dr.Hassan Ruhani
Greeting and salutation
Thanks be to the almighty God that in this trail period  of political and economic saga, the noble people of Iran have achieved a decisive victory and accepting the call of grand leader of the Islamic revolution.
Your Excellency sir, as you are among the outstanding personalities with a successful reputation in administration, with firm opinion by the Iranian people you are elected as the president of the Islamic republic of Iran.
Sir, this is a victory to the Discerning Iranian people and to the grand leader of the Islamic revolution and your Excellency sir I congratulate and wish you immense success and am asking the almighty to grant Islam success and exaltation
Yours faithfully
 Sayyid  Hashimi Sharudi